An emulsifiable concentrate, systemic insecticide, containing 400 g/l (37.4 % w/w) dimethoate, for the control of aphids and certain other pests in wheat, rye, triticale, sugar beet and other beet crops, Brussels sprout, broccoli, calabrese, cauliflower, outdoor lettuce, agricultural herbage (seed crops) and ornamental plant production.
For Use Only as an Agricultural Insecticide, as Directed Below:
Crop / Maximum Individual Dose , Brussels sprout, broccoli/calabrese, cauliflower 1 l/ha Lettuce (outdoor use only) 0.85 l/ha Sugar beet, fodder beet, mangel, red beet 1 l/ha Agricultural herbage (seed crop) 0.85 l/ha Wheat, rye, triticale 1.7 l/ha 2 Up to and including flowering Aerial Application Dimethoate may be applied from the air to wheat, rye, triticale and sugar beet at the recommended rates 25–60 litres of water per hectare. Aerial applications to cereals are permitted only up to 31 March in the year of harvest.
Half fill the spray tank with clean water and start the agitation. Pour in the required amount of Dimethoate. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. When tank mixes are to be used, each product should be added separately to the spray tank taking due note of any instructions given as to the order of mixing.
Spraying Best results will be obtained when the crop is growing vigorously. Systemic activity is reduced when crops are suffering from the effects of drought or under stress. During hot weather conditions spray in the early morning and evening for best results. Aerial application must not be made in tank mix with any other products.
Manner of Packing : 250 ml, 500 ml, 1L and 5 L Packages