Our next generation products and excellence in business led us to be ahead...
Our hard work and dedication to success is based on delivering best products in tune with the needs of the field which led us to receive various prestigious awards.
Neufarm is the Third Biggest Exporter of 2014
January 10, 2015

We are pleased to announce that Neufarm received excellence award from the İzmir Chamber of Commerce.
Read moreNeufarm Became No.3 Biggest Fertilizer Exporter in Turkey
May 31, 2015

We are proud to announce that Neufarm received the “Stars of Exports” award from IKMIB (Istanbul Chemicals and Chemical Products Exporters’ Association). Neufarm became the third largest…
Read moreNeufarm Received Award From Izmir Chamber of Commerce
November 2, 2015

Neufarm General Manager Ms. Asli GUVEN, receiving prize from Mr. Ekrem DEMIRTAS, İzmir Chamber of Commerce President of the Executive Board.
Read moreOur General Manager Ms. Asli GUVEN Received Excellence in Business Award
March 8, 2016

Neufarm Head of Management Mr. Mehmet GUVEN, General Manager Ms. Asli GUVEN and President of IKMIB Mr. Murat AKYUZ getting prize in Export Award Ceremony.
Read moreNeufarm Getting Prize from Mr. Aleksis CIPRAS (Alexis TSIPRAS)
July 11, 2016

Neufarm received prize from Mr. Aleksis CIPRAS (Alexis TSIPRAS) / Prime Minister of Greece (Έλληνας Πρωθυπουργός κ Αλέξης Τσίπρας)
Read moreNeufarm Received Award from Mr. Ahmet DAVUTOGLU, Prime Minister of Turkey
October 26, 2016

Neufarm received award from Mr. Ahmet DAVUTOGLU, Prime Minister of Turkey
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