Alfalfa / Lucerne
Apply 5-10/lbs/ac at the start of new season's growth and reapply 5/lbs/ac after every cutting. Water rate minimum 25 gal/ac.
Apply 5 to 10 lbs/ac applied from bud burst to start of flowering, After nut set, repeat in 14-28 day intervals. Apply 5-10 lbs/ac post-harvest before leaf senescence. Water rate: 25 gal/ac minimum.
In the Spring apply 5 to 10 lbs/acre applied at bud burst. Reapply after fruit set during sizing in 10 to 14 day intervals. 5-10 lbs/acre applied post-harvest before leaf senescence. Water rate: minimum 25 gallons/acre. Foliar application of Bud Grow may leave a white residue-deposit on the leaf or crop when applied close to harvest.
5-10 lbs/acre. Apply from bud burst to start of flowering. Apply petal fall thru early fruit sizing in 10-14 day intervals thru green fruit sizing & leaf canopy development period. Apply post-harvest in 21-28 day interval till leaf senescence. Water rate: minimum 25 gallons/acre. Foliar application of Bud Grow may leave a white residue-deposit on the leaf or crop when applied close to harvest.
5 lb/acre at the 4 to 6 leaf stage. Repeat applications may be necessary at 10 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 50 gallons/acre. Do not apply during flowering.
10 lb/acre post-harvest or pre-senescence only. Water rate: 30 gallons/acre.
Aubergine / eggplant: 1-3 lbs/acre at the 4 to 6 leaf stage. One or two repeat applications may be necessary at 10 to 14 day intervals. Do not apply during flowering. Water rate: 50 gallons per acre.
5 to 10 lbs/acre. Applied from bud swell to start of flowering (Pre-Bloom), From petal fall thru fruit sizing in 14-21 day intervals and applied post-harvest before leaf senescence. Water rate: Minimum 25 gallons/acre. Product may leave a deposit (white residue) when applied close to harvest
5 lbs/acre from the two leaf stage to first node detectable. Repeat 10 to 14 days later in the case of moderate to severe deficiency. Water rate: 20 gallons/acre
5 lbs/acre at the 4 to 6 leaf stage. Repeat applications may be necessary at 10 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 10-20 gallons per acre. N.B. Do not apply during flowering.
Apply 3-5 lbs/acre: Apply from bud swell thru pink bud. Apply post bloom-petal fall thru green berry sizing and leaf development period in 14 day intervals. Reapply post harvest during fruit bud formation, in 21-28 day interval until the onset of leaf senescence. Water rate: minimum 20 gallons/acre. Foliar application of Bud Grow may leave a white residue-deposit on the leaf or crop when applied close to harvest.
Apply 3-5 lbs/acre: Apply from bud swell thru pink bud. Apply post bloom-petal fall thru green berry sizing and leaf development period in 14 day intervals. Re-apply post harvest during fruit bud formation, in 21-28 day interval until the onset of leaf senescence. Water rate: minimum 20 gallons/acre. Foliar application of Bud Grow may leave a white residue-deposit on the leaf or crop when applied close to harvest.
Boysen Berries
Apply 3-5 lbs/acre: Apply from bud swell thru pink bud. Apply post bloom-petal fall thru green berry sizing and leaf development period in 14 day intervals. Reapply post harvest during fruit bud formation, in 21-28 day interval until the onset of leaf drop in the senescence. Water rate: minimum 20 gallons/acre. Foliar application of Bud Grow may leave a white residue-deposit on the leaf or crop when applied close to harvest.
Brassica Vegetables
Brassicas: 5-10 lbs per acre at the 4 to 6 leaf stage, with repeat aapplications at 10 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: minimum 20 gallons per acre. Foliar application of Bud Grow may leave a white residue-deposit on the leaf or crop when applied close to harvest.
5 lbs/acre when the crop is 6 inches tall. Water Rate: 20 gallons/acre
5 lbs/acre from the two leaf stage to first node detectable. Repeat 10 to 14 days later in the case of moderate to severe deficiency. Water rate: 20 gallons/acre
5-10 lbs/acre. Apply from bud burst to start of flowering. Apply petal fall thru early fruit sizing in 10-14 day intervals thru green fruit sizing & leaf canopy development period. Apply post-harvest in 21-28 day interval till leaf senescence. Water rate: minimum 25 gallons/acre. Foliar application of Bud Grow may leave a white residue-deposit on the leaf or crop when applied close to harvest.
Apply 5 to 10 lbs/ac applied from bud burst to start of flowering, After nut set, repeat in 14-28 day intervals. Apply 5-10 lbs/ac post-harvest before leaf senescence. Water rate: 50 gal/ac minimum.
5-10 lbs/acre applied post-harvest. Also, 5-10 lbs/acre applied from bud burst to start of flowering Reapply from petal fall thru fruit sizing in 14-21 day interval. Water rate: minimum 25 gallons per acre. Foliar application of Bud Grow may leave a white residue-deposit on the leaf or crop when applied close to harvest.
5 lbs/ac applied 21 to 28 days after emergence (e.g. 4 to 8 leaf stage) and repeat in 10 to 21 day intervals thru first open boll stage. Water rate: minimum 25 gal/ac.
Apply 5 lbs/ac at the 4 to 6 leaf stage. Repeat applications may be necessary at 10 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 50 gal/acre. Do not apply durrng flowering
Apply 5 lbs/ac at the 4 to 6 leaf stage. Repeat applications may be necessary at 10 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 50 gal/acre.
Apply 5 lbs/ac at the 4 to 6 leaf stage. Repeat applications may be necessary at 10 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 50 gal/acre. Do not apply during flowering.
2 applications of 5-10 pounds/acre once there is new season leaf production and again in early autumn. Water rate: 50 to 100 gallons/acre.
5-10 lbs/acre applied post-harvest. Also, 5-10 lbs/acre applied from bud burst to start of flowering Reapply from petal fall thru fruit sizing in 14-21 day interval. Water rate: minimum 25 gallons per acre. Foliar application of Bud Grow may leave a white residue-deposit on the leaf or crop when applied close to harvest.
Grapes (table)
Apply 1 to 3 applications of 5-10 lbs/acre applied bud break thru pre-bloom at a 10-14 day interval. Also, during post-bloom thru berry sizing 1-2 applications in 7-14 day intervals. Also apply post-harvest before leaf senescence. Water rate: minimum 25 gallons/acre. Foliar application of Bud Grow may leave a white residue-deposit on the leaf or crop when applied close to harvest.
Grapes (wine)
Apply 1 to 3 applications of 5-10 lbs/acre applied bud break thru pre-bloom at a 10-14 day interval. Also, during post-bloom thru berry sizing 1-2 applications in 7-14 day intervals. Also apply post-harvest before leaf senescence. Water rate: minimum 25 gallons/acre. Foliar application of Bud Grow may leave a white residue-deposit on the leaf or crop when applied close to harvest.
Grapevines: Apply 1 to 3 applications of 5-10 lbs/acre applied bud break thru pre-bloom at a 10-14 day interval. Also, during post-bloom thru berry sizing 1-2 applications in 7-14 day intervals. Also apply post-harvest before leaf senescence. Water rate: minimum 25 gallons/acre. Foliar application of Bud Grow may leave a white residue-deposit on the leaf or crop when applied close to harvest.
Apply 5 to 10 lbs/ac applied from bud burst to start of flowering, After nut set, repeat in 14-28 day intervals. Apply 5-10 lbs/ac post-harvest before leaf senescence. Water rate: 50 gal/ac minimum.
Apply 5 – 10 lbs/ac when the crop is 6 feet tall. Water rate: 50 gal/acre.
Apply 1 to 3 applications of 5-10 lbs/acre applied Bud break thru pre-bloom at a 10-14 day interval. Also, during post-bloom thru fruit sizing 1-2 applications in 7-14 day intervals, Also apply post-harvest before leaf senescence. Water rate: minimum 50 gallons/acre. Foliar application of Bud Grow may leave a white residue-deposit on the leaf or crop when applied close to harvest.
Leafy Vegetable
Apply 1-3 lbs per acre at the 4 to 6 leaf stage. One or two repeat applications may be necessary at 10 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: minimum 50 gallons per acre. Foliar application of Bud Grow may leave a white residue-deposit on the leaf or crop when applied close to harvest.
Lemon: 5-10 lbs/acre applied post-harvest. Also, 5-10 lbs/acre applied from bud burst to start of flowering Reapply from petal fall thru fruit sizing in 14-21 day interval. Water rate: minimum 25 gallons per acre. Foliar application of Bud Grow may leave a white residue-deposit on the leaf or crop when applied close to harvest.
Lettuce (field grown)
1-3 lbs per acre at the 4 to 6 leaf stage. Repeat applications at 10 to 14 day intervals at 5-10 lbs/ac. Water rate: minimum 25 gallons per acre. Foliar application of Bud Grow may leave a white residue-deposit on the leaf or crop when applied close to harvest.
Apply 5-10 lbs/ac post-harvest before leaf senescence. Water rate: 50 gal/ac minimum.
5 lbs/acre at the 4 to 8 leaf stage. Repeat if necessary two weeks later. Water rate: 20 gallons/acre
10 lbs/acre applied post-harvest. Also, 5 to 10 lbs/acre applied from bud burst to start of flowering. N.B. Do not apply during flowering. Water rate: 50 gallons/acre
5 lbs/acre at the 4 to 6 leaf stage. Repeat once or twice at 10 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 50 gallons per acre.
5-10 lbs/acre. Apply from bud burst to start of flowering. Apply petal fall thru early fruit sizing in 10-14 day intervals thru green fruit sizing & leaf canopy development period. Apply post-harvest in 21-28 day interval till leaf senescence. Water rate: minimum 25 gallons/acre. Foliar application of Bud Grow may leave a white residue-deposit on the leaf or crop when applied close to harvest.
Nursery Stock / Ornamentals
Apply 5 lbs/ac during the growing season in 21-35 day intervals. Water rate minimum 20 gal/ac.
Nuts (Deciduous)
Apply 5 to 10 lbs/ac applied from bud burst to start of flowering, After nut set, repeat in 14-28 day intervals. Apply 5-10 lbs/ac post-harvest before leaf senescence. Water rate: 25 gal/ac minimum.
5 lbs/acre from the two leaf stage to first node detectable. Repeat 10 to 14 days later in the case of moderate to severe deficiency. Water rate: 20 gallons/acre
Oil & Table: 5 lbs per acre applied from bud burst to start of flowering. Apply post flowering during berry sizing at 10-21 day interval. Post Bloom applications of 5-10 lbs/ac in 21-28 day intervals before leaf senescence. Water rate: minimum 25 gallons per acre. Foliar application of Bud Grow may leave a white residue-deposit on the leaf or crop when applied close to harvest.
5 lbs/acre two weeks after transplanting, or in the case of direct sown crops, when the crop is 6 inches tall. Repeat applications at 10 to 14 day intervals as necessary. Water rate: 20 gallons/acre.
5-10 lbs/acre applied post-harvest. Also, 5-10 lbs/acre applied from bud burst to start of flowering Reapply from petal fall thru fruit sizing in 14-21 day interval. Water rate: minimum 25 gallons per acre. Foliar application of Bud Grow may leave a white residue-deposit on the leaf or crop when applied close to harvest.
5-10 lbs/acre. Apply from bud burst to start of flowering. Apply petal fall thru early fruit sizing in 10-14 day intervals thru green fruit sizing & leaf canopy development period. Apply post-harvest in 21-28 day interval till leaf senescence. Water rate: minimum 25 gallons/acre. Foliar application of Bud Grow may leave a white residue-deposit on the leaf or crop when applied close to harvest.
In the Spring apply 5 to 10 lbs/acre applied at bud burst. Reapply after fruit set during sizing in 10 to 14 day intervals. 5-10 lbs/acre applied post-harvest before leaf senescence. Water rate: minimum 25 gallons/acre. Foliar application of Bud Grow may leave a white residue-deposit on the leaf or crop when applied close to harvest.
Apply 5 to 10 lbs/ac applied from bud burst to start of flowering, After nut set, repeat in 14-28 day intervals. Apply 5-10 lbs/ac post-harvest before leaf senescence. Water rate: 25 gal/ac minimum.
1-3 lbs/acre at the 4 to 6 leaf stage. One or two repeat applications may be necessary at 10 to 14 day intervals. Do not apply during flowering. Water rate: 50 gallons per acre.
Apply 5 to 10 lbs/ac applied from bud burst to start of flowering, After nut set, repeat in 14-28 day intervals. Apply 5-10 lbs/ac post-harvest before leaf senescence. Water rate: 25 gal/ac minimum.
5-10 lbs/acre. Apply from bud burst to start of flowering. Apply petal fall thru early fruit sizing in 10-14 day intervals thru green fruit sizing & leaf canopy development period. Apply post-harvest in 21-28 day interval till leaf senescence. Water rate: minimum 25 gallons/acre. Foliar application of Bud Grow may leave a white residue-deposit on the leaf or crop when applied close to harvest.
In the Spring apply 5 to 10 lbs/acre applied at bud burst. Reapply after fruit set during sizing in 10 to 14 day intervals. 5-10 lbs/acre applied post-harvest before leaf senescence. Water rate: minimum 25 gallons/acre.
5 lbs/acre one week after plant emergence. Repeat at 10 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 20 gallons per acre.
5-10 lbs/acre. Apply from bud burst to start of flowering. Apply petal fall thru early fruit sizing in 10-14 day intervals thru green fruit sizing & leaf canopy development period. Apply post-harvest in 21-28 day interval till leaf senescence. Water rate: minimum 25 gallons/acre. Foliar application of Bud Grow may leave a white residue-deposit on the leaf or crop when applied close to harvest.
5 lbs/acre applied from green tip to pink bud to just prior to start of flowering in 10-14 day intervals. Apply 1 to 3 times from petal fall thru berry sizing. Also, 5 lbs/acre post-harvest in 21 to 28 day interval up to leaf senescence. Water rate: minimum 20 gallons/acre. Foliar application of Bud Grow may leave a white residue-deposit on the leaf or crop when applied close to harvest.
5 lbs/acre from the two leaf stage to first node detectable. Repeat 10 to 14 days later in the case of moderate to severe deficiency. Water rate: 20 gallons/acre
5 lbs/acre applied from green tip to pink bud to just prior to start of flowering in 10-14 day intervals. Apply 1 to 3 times from petal fall thru berry sizing. Also, 5 lbs/acre post-harvest in 21 to 28 day interval up to leaf senescence. Water rate: minimum 20 gallons/acre. Foliar application of Bud Grow may leave a white residue-deposit on the leaf or crop when applied close to harvest.
Sugar Beet
5 lbs/acre at the 4 to 6 leaf stage. Repeat once or twice at 10 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 20 gallons/acre
Apply 5-10 lbs/ac after emergence and reapply every 14-28 days . Water rate minimum 25 gal/ac
Sweet Potato
5 lbs/acre one week after emergence. Repeat once or twice at 10 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 20 gallons per acre minimum.
Two applications of 3 to 5 lbs/acre two to three weeks after transplanting (3 to 4 leaf stage), with 10 to 14 days between applications. Water rate: 50 gallons/acre
1-3 lbs/acre at the 4 to 6 leaf stage. One or two repeat applications may be necessary at 10 to 14 day intervals. N.B. Do not apply during flowering. Water rate: 50 gallons per acre.
Apply 5 to 10 lbs/ac applied from bud burst to start of flowering, After nut set, repeat in 14-28 day intervals. Apply 5-10 lbs/ac post-harvest before leaf senescence. Water rate: 50 gal/ac minimum.
Water Melon
Apply 5 lbs/ac at the 4 to 6 leaf stage. Repeat applications may be necessary at 10 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 50 gal/acre.
5 lbs/acre from the two leaf stage to first node detectable. Repeat 10 to 14 days later in the case of moderate to severe deficiency. Water rate: 20 gallons/acre