Potassium Sulphate Granular
- Potas 50 granular is a highly concentrated two nutrient fertiliser with 50% K20 and 45% SO3 as sulphate.
- Potas 50 granular is water-soluble, so that the nutrients K and S are immediately plant available.
- Potas 50 granular is almost chloride free and therefore ideal for chloride sensitive crops.
- Potas 50 granular has a low salt index and thus is suitable for valuable special purpose crops in intensive cropping systems.
- Potas 50 granular is, as a crude salt, approved according to regulation (EC) 834/2007 and (EC) 889/2008 for use in organic farming systems.
- Potas 50 granular is suitable for plants with a high sulphur requirement (oil seed rape, sunflower, brassicas, onion, leek, etc.) due to its high sulphur content (45% SO3)
Further Information
- Potas 50 granular is particularly useful in starch potato production. The transport of assimilates from the leaves to the tubers proceeds undisturbed due to the very low chloride content of potassium sulphate. Thereby, it is possible to fully exploit the potato yield potential in whilst maintaining a high starch content.
- In both indoor and outdoor intensive cultivation systems increased salt concentrations in the soil solution in relation to the water balance may occur. Stunted growth and reduced yields are often the consequence.
- Potas 50 granular is the ideal potash fertiliser in such conditions due to its low salt index.
- Potas 50 granular as a sulphur fertiliser significantly reduced atmospheric sulphur depositions and continued use of highly concentrated fertiliser with a low sulphur content has led in many regions to sulphur deficiency in crops.