Liquid Organic Chicken Fertilizer
Formulations Available (w/w):
26.0% Organic Matter
5.0% Nitrogen Total(N)
5.5% Phosphate(P2O5)
5.5% Potassium(K2O)
22.5% Organic Carbon (C)
24.0% Humic & Fulvic Acides
0.55% Gibberellin & Cytokinine
7.0% Free Aminoacides
1.65% Water Soluble MgO
Fort the production of NeuDas-Vito Liquid Fertilizer raw materials with vegetative origin are used. This NeuDas-Vito Liquid Fertilizer has a rich content which ensures a high-quality and product and good yield. NeuDas-Vito Liquid Fertilizer contains:
- Enzymes, Amino Acids, Proteins,
- Organic Matter, Helpful Bacteria,
- Humic and Fulvic Acids,
- N, P, K, Ca, Mn, Mg, Cu, Fe, S, Mo, Co, and other elements.